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CBD Oil and Copaiba Essential Oil

CBD oil is all the new craze these days. Many of you have heard about it and it’s multitude of benefits. Some of you may even be using it daily or occasionally to manage symptoms and keep you feeling more relaxed. If you haven’t heard of it, not to worry, I will offer a brief description below. Also, I will be talking about Copaiba essential oil and how it can benefit you. There's been a lot of hype about this oil too, but first, a bit of an explanation to bring the science and understanding forth.

It has been found that our body has an endocannabinoid system, where some cells contain receptors for something called cannabinoids. There are two types of receptors for cannabinoids, CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. These are found on cell surfaces and impact various biological processes. CB1 receptors are concentrated in the brain and central nervous system as well as other parts of the human body. CB2 receptors are mostly in the peripheral organs, especially those associated with the immune system, endocrine system and gastro-intestinal tract. Cannabinoids are the keys that unlock these receptors. I will discuss three types of cannabinoids that can be used by these receptors.

One cannabinoid is Tetra HydroCannabinol (THC) which stimulates psychoactive effects and is responsible for the “high” when smoking or consuming cannabis. THC is the only one of the cannabinoids that can do this. THC acts directly on both CB1 and CB2 receptors. Many people use cannabis safely for pain relief, to elevate mood, and more.

Another cannabinoid is CBD, which is short for CannaBiDiol. CBD does not act directly on CB receptors, rather it has an indirect effect on both CB1 and CB2 receptors. What this means is that the body has to get involved and make chemical changes to CBD before it can fit into and be up taken by the receptors. CBD oil does not contain THC and will not make a person “high.”

The third cannabinoid is Beta CaryoPhyllene (BCP) which has many of the same benefits of the other cannabinoids. BCP is actually a terpene, which is an aromatic organic compound present in many essential oils. BCP is the only terpene known to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is why it is also considered a cannabinoid. BCP has no interaction with CB1 receptors but has direct interaction with CB2 receptors, which are the ones most prevalent in our immune and endocrine systems.

Now that we’ve covered a bit about cannabinoids and how they act on the enocannabinoid system of the body, let’s talk a bit more about the similarities and differences between CBD oil and Copaiba essential oil. CBD oil is not an essential oil. Full spectrum CBD oil is extracted from hemp and usually contains other chemical constituents, such as bioflavonoids, terpenes and other cannabinoids. Stay away from CBD oil that is derived from an isolated CBD molecule that has been added to a carrier oil, as this is laboratory made and nature always knows best. You will miss a myriad of synergistic benefits that are available in the full spectrum form. I haven’t personally used CBD oil but know of several people who use it regularly and swear by it's many benefits.

I do have personal experience with copaiba essential oil and would love to share what I’ve learned with you. The copaiba tree can live up to 400 years and grow to be up to 100 feet tall. They can be tapped once a month for sustainability and the resin yields anywhere from 40 – 70% oil. What is unique about doTERRA’s copaiba essential oil is that it is a blend of four Copaifera species of trees; officinalis, langsdorffii, reticulate and coriacea.

Copaiba is the essential oil with the highest amount of Beta Caryophyllene, containing upwards of 50%, with Black Pepper at approximately 20%, Melissa and Ylang Ylang at about 15%, Clove at 8%, Helichrysum and Juniper Berry at 5% BCP. Copaiba oil also contains many other beneficial compounds, including copaene, bergamotene and humulene (some of which are also contained in CBD oil).

DoTERRA has done extensive studies on their copaiba essential oil, inlcuding clinical trials, and the following claims can be made from their research, most of which likely come from the high content of Beta CaryoPhyllene:

  • Provides liver and antioxidant support

  • Promotes cardiovascular health

  • Sustains proper immune response

  • Offers healthy digestive support

  • Supports proper neurological function

  • Encourages proper respiratory function

  • Supports a normal inflammatory response

  • Reduces tissues and neurological excitation

  • Balancing and uplifting for the mood

  • Soothing relief to skin irritations

Another great thing doTERRA is doing is studying the exact dosages and their effects on the body in clinical trials. One drop of essential oil contains 45 mg of BCP. Clinical studies have shown that 5 mg of BCP reduces discomfort. 25 mg of BCP promotes a healthy inflammatory response in the digestive system. 50 mg of BCP elevated mood. 100 mg of BCP reduces sad and anxious feelings, and 200 mg of BCP promotes healthy glycol-protein levels in blood.

During the quarantine, I was feeling particularly stressed one day and decided to try a couple of drops of copaiba essential oil under my tongue. I felt this immediate and long lasting sensation of calmness settle into my entire body. It was quite notable. I do not recommend regular internal use of copaiba essential oil. For ingestion of this oil, doTERRA has created Copaiba soft gels. Copaiba essential oil can be diffused in any room of the house or in the car. Dilute it and apply anywhere on the body except on the face or in the ears. Good places are the pulse points, at the base of the neck, bottoms of the feet and along the spine.

Don’t take my word for it. I encourage you to do your own research and try CBD oil and/or Copaiba Essential oil for yourself. Remember that above all else, quality is paramount. I only use the best I can find for myself and my family, and I feel confident in my recommendation of the doTerra brand of Copaiba essential oil.

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